By Kevin Mokaya

Sexual and reproductive health and rights (SRHR) are fundamental aspects of human rights, encompassing a wide range of issues such as access to healthcare, contraception, safe and legal abortion, comprehensive sexuality education, and freedom from discrimination and violence. However, these rights have faced opposition from various anti-rights and anti-gender groups. 

How do these groups negate SRHR and what are the potential consequences of such negation? 

  1. Opposition to Comprehensive Sexuality Education:

Anti-rights and anti-gender groups often oppose comprehensive sexuality education (CSE), which provides accurate, age-appropriate information about sexual and reproductive health. These groups argue that CSE promotes promiscuity or undermines traditional values. However, by denying young people access to comprehensive information, they perpetuate ignorance, increase the risk of sexually transmitted infections (STIs), unintended pregnancies, and sexual violence, and hinder the development of healthy relationships based on mutual respect and consent.

II.Restrictions on Contraception and Family Planning:

Some anti-rights groups oppose access to contraception and family planning services, often based on religious or moral grounds. By limiting individuals’ ability to plan their families and control their reproductive choices, these groups impede gender equality and perpetuate a cycle of poverty and limited opportunities, especially for women and girls. Lack of access to contraception also contributes to higher rates of unsafe abortions and  maternal mortality.

Kelvin Mokaya.

III. Opposition to Safe and Legal Abortion:

Anti-rights and anti-gender groups frequently target safe and legal abortion services, seeking to restrict or ban them altogether. These groups often frame their opposition in terms of protecting the rights of the unborn or preserving traditional values. However, by limiting access to safe abortion, they push women and girls towards unsafe procedures, leading to increased maternal mortality, morbidity, and long-term health complications. Such restrictions disproportionately affect vulnerable populations and violate women’s autonomy and bodily integrity.

IV: Discrimination and Violence:

Anti-rights and anti-gender groups often perpetuate discrimination and violence against marginalized communities, including LGBTQ+ individuals. By denying their rights to access healthcare, education, and legal protections, these groups further marginalize and stigmatize these populations. This discrimination not only violates human rights principles but also poses significant barriers to individuals seeking sexual and reproductive healthcare and support.

V: Implications for Global Development:

The negation of SRHR by anti-rights and anti-gender groups has far-reaching implications for global development. Lack of access to comprehensive sexual education, contraception, safe abortion, and healthcare perpetuates poverty, gender inequality, and limited opportunities. Failure to prioritize SRHR also undermines efforts to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly those related to health, gender equality, and reducing maternal mortality.

The negation of sexual and reproductive health and rights by anti-rights and anti-gender groups has severe consequences for individuals, communities, and global development. By opposing comprehensive sexuality education, restricting access to contraception and family planning, opposing safe and legal abortion, and perpetuating discrimination and violence, these groups undermine the fundamental principles of human rights and hinder progress toward gender equality and sustainable development. It is crucial to continue advocating for SRHR, challenging harmful narratives and ensuring that all individuals have access to the information, services, and rights necessary to make informed decisions about their bodies and lives.


Kelvin Mokaya is a Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights Expert.